Waharoa o Māwai Hākona
On July 13, 2023, amidst the vibrant Matariki celebrations, the unveiling of this Waharoa took place. This structure stands as a testament to the enduring bond between the New Zealand Army, the Hutt Valley, and the local community, including tangata whenua. Serving as a tangible symbol, it not only pays homage to the historical ties but also serves as a focal point, constantly reminding us of these connections.
Learn about Waharoa and its connections (PDF, 5.6 MB).

Te reo Māori translation
I kōwhiria ngā rawa taketake i hangaia
te pou me te Waharoa, kia whakaata
mai te kaha me te kiriūka o Ngāti
Tūmatauenga me Te Ope Kātua hoki.
Ka ngawhere ka rāroa te maitai o
te pou me te Waharoa, e tū kaha ai hai
taonga ma ngā uri whakatipu.
Kua whaowhaotia ngā whakairo
āonaianei, ā-inamata e whakaatahia
ai to mātou ahurea me to mātou
E whakaatatia ana te oranga
Tonutanga ā-mataora, ā-rātonga
mahi a ngai kaimahi tūmatanui, a ngai
Ope Kātua.
E whakaatatia ana ngā pūtaketake
matua engari hai ta te kōrero
tukuiho, ‘he iti te kupu he nui te
English translation
The material for the Pou and
the Waharoa itself was chosen
to reflect the strength and fortitude
of the New Zealand Army and the New Zealand Defence Force. The steel
Waharoa and the steel Pou will weather
and age but will remain strong for generations.
The Waharoa combines traditional and
contemporary images which reflect both
our heritage and our purpose.
The combination of the design features
describe the journey through life and
service and can be seen as a reflection of
the purpose and the growth of both the
NZDF and those who serve as civilians or
Service personnel.
It should be understood that the meaning
of our Waharoa is greater than the sum of
the individual elements.