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Instruction and Management

The student becomes the master

As our people progress in their career, the experience gained in both their trade and their leadership will naturally lend itself to roles as an instructor and in management.

Being ready to share skills with the next generation, or utilising skills and knowledge to manage the organisation strategically, is part of career progression in the New Zealand Defence Force.

The New Zealand Defence College (NZDC) provides the framework for the learning strategy and policy across the Defence Force and ensures that our instructors and learning managers are aligned with the Defence Force education system. Our people hold roles instructing in a wide variety of fields, such as at the Seamanship Training Aid Facility in Devonport, the Combat School in Waiouru and the Central Flying School at Ohakea. 

The New Zealand Defence Force is constantly upgrading to keep up with technology and adapting to international developments. Personnel, as they grow in their careers and achieve seniority, can become managers of teams and projects, using their skills, knowledge and insights to help the New Zealand Defence Force deliver not only defence capability, but grow as a modern government organisation and employer. Personnel, both in the civilian workforce as well as military, are able to advance their careers in management in the New Zealand Defence Force just like any other government department.