Warrant Officer of the Navy, Warrant Officer Communication Warfare Specialist Darren Crosby
The Warrant Officer of the Navy is the most senior Warrant Officer in the Royal New Zealand Navy. They report to the Chief of Navy and provide advice to Navy senior leadership about issues affecting sailors.
A legacy of experience
Darren Crosby joined the Royal New Zealand Navy in 1988 as a Radio Operator.
He has served in frigates HMNZS Southland, HMNZS Te Mana, Te Kaha, Canterbury and Wellington.
He was promoted to Warrant Officer in 2007 and has held WO positions as the base Whole Ships Coordinator, Career Manager for the Operations Trades, WO Leadership Development and the CWO to the Deputy Chief of Navy.
He recently completed a secondment to the US Navy Pacific Fleet Command Headquarters in Hawaii, and was most recently Exercise Planner in HQJFNZ.
He is a graduate of the Singapore Armed Forces Joint WO Advanced Leadership Course, Australian Defence Force Joint WO Course and the NZDF Joint WO Advanced Course.
He is the 10th Warrant Officer of the Navy.