Land Component Commander, Brigadier Jason Dyhrberg
Land Component Commander (LCC) advises Commander Joint Forces New Zealand on the use of land forces and commands the land forces. This includes sending soldiers to overseas operations.
Brigadier Jason Dyhrberg enlisted into the New Zealand Army in January 1997 and commenced officer training at the Officer Cadet School in Waiouru, graduating into the Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment in the rank of Second Lieutenant in December 1997. From 1997 to September 2012, Brigadier Dyhrberg completed a range of regimental, training, and staff appointments including postings to the 2nd/1st Battalion, the Army General Staff, and the Land Operations Training Centre.
In August 2012, on promotion to Lieutenant Colonel, Brigadier Dyhrberg was posted to Headquarters, Deployable Joint Interagency Task Force as the Chief of Staff and subsequently held roles such as the Executive Officer to the Land Component Commander, the Commanding Officer of the 1st Battalion, Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment, the Deputy Director for Strategic Commitments (Domestic and Regional), and the Military Secretary for the New Zealand Army.
In August 2020, on promotion to Colonel, Brigadier Dyhrberg was posted to Assistant Chief of Army for Strategy and, beyond this, held the roles of Assistant Chief for Defence Reserves, Youth and Sport, and the Chief of Staff to the Chief People Officer.
Brigadier Dyhrberg assumed the role of Land Component Commander, on promotion, in September 2024.
Operationally, Brigadier Dyhrberg has deployed to East Timor with NZBATTs 2 and 5 in 2000 and 2001 respectively, and as the Officer Commanding Kiwi Company with TG GYRO 5 in 2008. In 2015, he deployed as the Senior National Officer for Operation Manawa 1 in Iraq.
Brigadier Dyhrberg is a graduate of United Kingdom's Advanced Command and Staff Course and is a Distinguished Graduate of the United States Army War College. Brigadier Dyhrberg has a Masters of Arts in Defence Studies and a Masters of Strategic Studies and, from his Service in Iraq, is a recipient of the Distinguished Service Decoration.