Ka Maumahara Tātou
Anzac Day
ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. Anzac Day is one of the most important days in Aotearoa New Zealand. Every April 25th we pay our respects to Australian and New Zealand soldiers who fought in World War I, at Gallipoli in Turkey.

How we honour our soldiers
Anzac Day remembrance takes two forms: through commemorative services are held at dawn, and through marches in our major cities and in many smaller centres. Commemorative ceremonies are more formal. You can join them at war memorials around the country.

The difference between ANZAC and Anzac
Anzac Day is a special day, and one of the best ways we can show respect to our fallen soldiers is by understanding the breadth of Anzac history. For instance, there are two different Anzacs, and we're not talking about biscuits.

Anzac Day resources and links
We have a range of Anzac resources you can use. These include activity sheets for children, colouring-in sheets, and audio files that can be used as part of a making this day special no matter where you are in the world.
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