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Warrant Officer of Defence Force announced

Chief of Defence Force designate Air Vice-Marshal Tony Davies has selected Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1) Wiremu Moffitt DSD (Ngā Rauru, Ngati Ruanui) as Warrant Officer of the Defence Force.

22 May, 2024

WO1 Moffitt has a distinguished career spanning more than three decades in a variety of roles, both at the operational and strategic leadership level.

He is currently serving as the 16th Sergeant Major of the NZ Army, and has held previous appointments of Warrant Officer Joint Forces New Zealand and Command Sergeant Major-Special Operations Component Command.

Air Vice-Marshal Davies said he was looking forward to working alongside WO1 Moffitt, who he believes will have huge impact.

“WO1 Moffitt will be a trusted advisor as part of my leadership team. His perspective will offer a great balance and I’m sure he will add a lot of value, not only to the headquarters, but widely across the Defence Force,” he said.

“I’m looking forward to the insight, advice and leadership that WO1 Moffitt will provide as part of his new role. I also wish to acknowledge the excellent calibre of applicants in consideration for the position and their vast experience, leadership qualities and commitment to service.”

WO1 Moffitt will take over on 6 June 2024 from Warrant Officer Class 1 Mark ‘Titch’ Mortiboy, who has served in the role since 2018.  WO1 Mortiboy will continue to serve in the NZDF.


  • WO1 Wiremu Moffitt enlisted as a Regular Force Cadet in the New Zealand Army in 1990, before posting to 1st Battalion Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment (RNZIR) as a Rifleman.

  • He served with various parts of the NZ Army until 1994 when he successfully completed the New Zealand Special Forces (NZSAS) selection course and was accepted as an Operator to 1st NZSAS Regiment in 1995.

  • WO1 Moffitt has operationally deployed to Bougainville, Timor-Leste (East Timor), Afghanistan and various locations across the Indo-Pacific and around the world. He carries the United States Presidential Unit Citation in recognition of collective Task Force service in Afghanistan in 2001-2002, and for duties and leadership during Operation Wātea, he was awarded the Distinguished Service Decoration.

  • WO1 Moffitt has successfully completed a range of NZDF leadership and development courses, additionally attending military education in the United States including the Joint Special Operations Forces Senior Enlisted Advisors Course at MacDill Air Force Base, Florida and KEYSTONE Joint Senior Enlisted Leader program in Suffolk, Virginia.