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Statement about case note and findings by the Ombudsman

The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) acknowledges the release yesterday, 16 May 2024 of the case note and findings by the Ombudsman on his investigation.

17 May, 2024

The NZDF has been working constructively with the Ombudsman’s Office on this matter since the investigation was commenced two years ago.  As the Ombudsman has concluded, despite exhaustive efforts to locate all relevant documents, the NZDF acknowledges that its poor record-keeping processes at the time were such that staff were unable to locate all relevant documents. 

This was revealed during the extensive and intensive 2-year Operation Burnham Inquiry, and the NZDF has put in place a programme to enact the improvements recommended in the 2020 report of the Inquiry.    

The NZDF has no further comment to make.