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NZDF to send humanitarian aid and experts to Papua New Guinea

A Royal New Zealand Air Force (RNZAF) C-130H (NZ) Hercules will deliver relief supplies to Papua New Guinea in response to the landslide disaster on Friday, 24 May.

30 May, 2024

More than 2,000 people were buried in the landslide in remote Enga province, according to the Papua New Guinea (PNG) National Disaster Centre.

Relief supplies being transported include tools, shelter and hygiene products from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade to support the recovery effort.

The Hercules flight, will depart RNZAF Base Auckland today as part of New Zealand’s offer of support to Papua New Guinea, announced this week by Foreign Minister Winston Peters and Defence Minister Judith Collins.

The support package, estimated at around $1.5 million, includes the flight with relief supplies; sending New Zealand technical expertise to assist in the areas of geo-hazards and emergency management; and financial assistance to provide humanitarian relief to affected areas.

Mr Peters says New Zealand has been determined to play its part in assisting Papua New Guinea’s response.

“Papua New Guinea has expressed appreciation for our offer and we are working with PNG authorities to confirm priorities to best support those most in need.”

Ms Collins says the New Zealand Defence Force has a long, proud history of assisting Pacific Island countries in need.

“This disaster has caused immense suffering, and the NZ Defence Force stands ready to play its part in the response.”