Tohu Awards 2024
18 November 2024
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Ngā mihi nui
A Royal New Zealand Air Force C-130H (NZ) Hercules aircraft has flown to Papua New Guinea carrying relief supplies for communities affected by the landslide that occurred in Enga province on Friday 24 May.
According to the Papua New Guinea National Disaster Centre it is estimated that more than 2000 people are buried under the slip. Relief supplies being transported include tools, shelter and hygiene products from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
The support to Papua New Guinea was announced earlier this week by Foreign Minister Winston Peters and Defence Minister Judith Collins.
The support package, estimated at around $1.5 million, includes the flight with relief supplies; sending New Zealand technical expertise to assist in the areas of geo-hazards and emergency management; and financial assistance to provide humanitarian relief to affected areas.
Royal New Zealand Air Force load teams prepare aid supplies provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade bound for Papua New Guinea to support the recovery efforts after the landslide.
Rear Admiral James Gilmour is the Commander of Joint Forces New Zealand.
“My thoughts reach out to those that are still searching for loved ones after the landslide in Enga province,”said Rear Admiral Gilmour.
“We will work with our Papua New Guinea neighbours to understand what it is they require and we stand ready to assist them if needed.”
The flight delivered people and supplies in Papua New Guinea and will return to New Zealand to await further tasks.