NZDF personnel recognised for their contribution to the Government’s COVID-19 Response
On 31 December 2022, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the COVID-19 Response Recognition Awards will be issued to those who contributed to the Government’s COVID-19 response.
20 January, 2023
“The award has been designed to be in keeping with the likes of military service, and takes the form of a lapel pin with up to 80,000 pins to be given to individuals in the workforce groups identified”, said Jacinda Ardern.
Included in these workforce groups are NZDF personnel who were posted or attached to an Operation Protect workplace.
Approximately 6,500 current and ex-serving NZDF personnel are estimated to be eligible for the award, recognising their contribution to operating New Zealand’s managed isolation facilities.
Chief of Defence Force Air Marshal Kevin Short said it was fantastic that personnel were being formally recognised with a lapel pin.
Operation Protect was a vastly different and somewhat challenging experience for many of our people. This recognition is a great gesture of thanks for their committed efforts. The lapel pins are a symbol of the significant team effort involved in the response.

Lapel pin awarded to NZDF personnel who were posted or attached to an Operation Protect workplace
All currently serving NZDF personnel who are eligible for the COVID-19 recognition award will be identified through personnel records.
Ex-serving personnel who wish to claim the COVID-19 Response Recognition Award will need to register with the NZDF by emailing with their service number, full name, Service (NZ Army, RNZN or RNZAF), and a delivery address.
Registrations for ex-serving personnel are open now, and will be open for all of 2023 and longer if some personnel do not claim their award this year.
Commanding Officers of individual units will decide on an appropriate form of presentation or distribution.
For any questions about NZDF personnel receiving the award, email