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NZDF medics prepare for ‘inevitable’ natural disaster

Around 26 New Zealand Defence Force medics have honed their skills for responding to the range of injuries that might be expected from a destructive weather event striking in the Pacific.

25 March, 2025

The exercise was held in Santoft Forest near Whanganui recently.

Senior Aviation Medical Officer, Squadron Leader Rob Visser, says it’s only a matter of time before the NZDF is asked to respond again to an extreme weather event or natural disaster at home or in the South Pacific and generally, medics are the first to arrive.  

Most years will face some challenge, whether it is an extreme weather event or an earthquake, and climate change is only going to make events more likely, he said.

“While this is primarily an Air Force medic exercise, we have Navy and Army personnel here as part of the activity, so we can all work to the same doctrines and same game plan for approaching these events,” he said.

Medic 2

Around 26 medics from the New Zealand Defence Force took part in Exercise Caduceus at Santoft Forest near Whanganui training to respond to extreme weather events and natural disasters.

Exercise scenarios were based on what could be expected from a cyclone or earthquake – such as cuts, broken bones, impalings and crush victims, people in shock and even civil unrest.

“This enables our medics to respond to any situation with a high level of skill and be professional in a challenging environment, delivering care without running water or electricity,” Squadron Leader Visser said.

Their mission at a disaster was to treat and stabilise patients ready for evacuation – and if the roads were damaged that meant winching by helicopter – so they practised that too: “I was very pleased with the training I witnessed and am confident our medics are ready for any eventuality.” 

A major focus for Humanitarian and Disaster Relief (HADR) has been on building on interoperability within neighbouring countries, he said.

“There has been clear direction from the Government around supporting Pacific partners, as well as a focus on being able to work closely with partners in the Pacific. The intent is that we not only work well within our own services but also with civilian agencies and partner countries who work alongside us in disaster relief operations.”